How to Safely Navigate Icy Roads

Winter brings its own charm with cosy fires, warm beverages, and snow-covered landscapes. However, for drivers, it also brings the challenge of navigating slippery, icy roads. Ice can create hazardous conditions, making it crucial to adjust your driving habits. Let’s delve into some vital tips to ensure you stay safe while driving on icy roads.

How to Safely Navigate Icy Roads

Slow Down and Stay Calm

Speed is your enemy on icy roads. Ensure you're driving well below the speed limit, and even slower if you see the road glistening. If you feel your car start to skid, remember to stay calm, avoid making sudden movements, and gently steer in the direction you want the car to go.


Increase Your Stopping Distance

On a dry road, the average stopping distance at 60mph is 73 meters. On icy roads, this distance can multiply. It's recommended to stay at least 10 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you, allowing ample time to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic.

Avoid Sudden Movements

Quick actions can lead to skids. When you need to turn or change lanes, do so gradually. If you must brake, do it gently. If your car has an anti-lock braking system (ABS), let it do its job without pumping the brakes.

Use Low Gears

Low gears provide better traction, especially on hills. If your car is manual, start in a higher gear to avoid wheel spin.

Be Cautious on Bridges

Bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas freeze faster than other parts of the road. Approach them with caution, and assume they're icy even if the rest of your route has been clear.

Be Cautious on Bridges

Clear Your Vehicle

Before setting out, clear your car’s windows, mirrors, lights, and roof. This not only ensures you have a clear line of sight, but also prevents chunks of snow or ice from flying off and posing a danger to other drivers.

Keep Essentials in Your Car

In winter, it’s wise to keep essentials like a blanket, flashlight, ice scraper, small shovel, and some non-perishable food items in your car. You never know when you might get stuck or face a delay.

Stay Informed

Before heading out, check the weather forecast and traffic updates. If there's a severe weather warning, consider if your journey is essential or if it can be postponed.

Know Your Car

Every vehicle reacts differently on ice. If you're driving a vehicle for the first time in icy conditions, spend a few moments getting a feel for how it handles.

If You Don’t Have to Drive, Don’t

The safest strategy is to avoid driving in icy conditions unless absolutely necessary. If you can stay home, do so.

In conclusion, icy roads demand respect and attention. By adapting your driving style, staying informed, and being prepared, you can navigate the winter months safely. Always remember, it's not about how fast you can go, but how safely you can stop. Safe driving!

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