Faraday Boxes: Shielding Your Vehicle Explained

The world of automotive security has seen a myriad of advancements over the years. Yet, with the introduction of keyless car technology, a new vulnerability emerged: relay theft. Enter the Faraday box, a relatively simple yet incredibly effective tool in safeguarding your vehicle. But what exactly is a Faraday box, and how does it protect your car from theft?

Sevenwalls: Car Key Signal Blocker


The Science Behind Faraday Boxes

A Faraday box, named after the renowned scientist Michael Faraday, is a container made of conductive materials, typically metal. Its primary purpose is to block electromagnetic fields. When an object, such as a key fob, is placed inside, the box prevents external static and non-static electric fields from affecting it. This means signals can neither enter nor exit the box.

The Threat of Relay Attacks

In a relay attack, a thief uses a device to amplify the signal from a keyless entry fob, often from inside a victim's home. Once amplified, this signal can be used to unlock and even start a car. With the key fob signal securely contained within a Faraday box, however, the relay device cannot access it, rendering the attack futile.

Additional Benefits of Using a Faraday Box

Apart from protecting against relay attacks, Faraday boxes also offer:
  • Privacy: They can block signals from mobile devices, ensuring complete privacy.
  • Peace of Mind: With keys stored inside, car owners can rest assured, knowing they've taken a vital step in theft prevention.
  • Protection from Other Devices: Faraday boxes can also be used to safeguard credit cards, mobile phones, and other RFID-enabled devices from skimming or unauthorized access.

Choosing the Best: Sevenwalls Faraday Boxes

When it comes to Faraday boxes, it's essential to prioritize quality and effectiveness. Not all Faraday boxes are created equal. We recommend our Sevenwalls Faraday Boxes. Precision-engineered to offer the best protection, they are designed to give you peace of mind. Explore our selection and find the best fit for your needs here.


In today's digital age, threats come in many forms. With keyless car technology becoming the norm, it's crucial for car owners to understand these threats and take appropriate measures. A Sevenwalls Faraday box represents a simple, cost-effective solution that provides a robust line of defense against modern vehicle theft methods.

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