What to do if your car is stolen

The unfortunate event of car theft can be unsettling and stressful. Knowing the precise steps to follow can significantly reduce the turmoil and improve the chance of recovering your vehicle. Here's a comprehensive guide, informed by experts in the field, on navigating the ordeal of car theft.

What to do if your car is stolen

1. Immediate Reporting is Crucial

Once you've ascertained that your vehicle is indeed missing, promptly report the theft to the police. Provide them with all essential details: make, model, registration number, VIN, colour, and any unique features or identifiers.

2. Verify the Location

Before jumping to conclusions, double-check the vicinity. It’s not uncommon for owners to mistakenly believe their vehicle has been stolen due to a simple parking oversight.

3. Initiate the Insurance Process

After notifying the police, your next call should be to your insurance provider. Inform them about the theft, and they will guide you through the subsequent claims process. Keep all necessary documentation and details readily available.

4. Use Technology to Your Advantage

With the rise of technology, several vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems. If your car has one, now's the time to activate it. This can greatly assist law enforcement in locating your vehicle.

5. Employ the Power of Social Networks

Although this is the age of digitisation, the importance of the human network cannot be understated. Sharing information about the stolen vehicle on social platforms might yield useful leads.

6. Upon Recovery

Should you or the authorities locate your vehicle, refrain from driving it immediately. There may be damage, or in some unfortunate instances, criminals could use it to commit further crimes. Always ensure the police have cleared it for use.

7. Proactive Protective Measures

At Sevenwalls, we advocate for a proactive approach. To safeguard against theft, consider our top-tier Faraday boxes and steering wheel locks. Such protective gear can deter potential thieves.


Car theft, though distressing, is a situation that many drivers may face. By following the expert-guided steps outlined above, you can navigate this challenging scenario with confidence and precision.

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